BCA Environmental Consultants

SARA 312 Tier II Reports - Due March 1st

Facilities that store more than 10,000 pounds of materials exhibiting a hazard must be reported each year through your states platform. Some chemicals are considered Extremely Hazardous and have lower reporting thresholds.

SARA 312 Tier II Reports – Due March 1st

January 18, 2024

Hazardous Waste Manifest Reports – Due March 1st

January 14, 2024

2023 Lead Auditor ISO 14001 and/or 45001 Courses

October 5, 2022

This is of course an auditing class, so attendees will learn auditing principles for ISO 14001 and 45001, but what makes our course different is we make the class for the EHS professionals managing the programs at the manufacturing or commercial facility.

2022 News and Updates

January 23, 2022

BCA routinely monitors updates from EPA and states we work in. See below for the topics we are currently monitoring and find most relevant for our client base at this time.

2022 Indiana Environmental Compliance Calendar

January 20, 2022

RCRA Hazardous Waste Exclusions

January 20, 2022

Manufacturing facilities in the fiberglass industry should take advantage of the opportunity to treat its ignitable hazardous waste resin in containers on-site without the need to obtain a RCRA permit from the USEPA.

2021 Q1 EHS Newsletter from BCA

January 22, 2021

Thank you for viewing our Q1 EHS Newsletter. We hope that you find this information useful and helpful. If there are any questions you have please do not hesitate to contact us at info@bcaconsultants.com.

BCA Compliance and ISO Training

January 5, 2021

BCA is here to be a training resource for your management team. We bring an outside perspective while tailoring each training to your facility so that it is clear to your training attendees on what the requirements and expectations are.

ISO 14001 Podcast with Encamp

April 28, 2020

Encamp graciously invited us to join their podcast series to discuss ISO 14001. BCA has an extensive background in implementing, managing and auditing ISO systems including ISO 14001, 45001 and 9001, so we were happy to provide an overview of what ISO programs are and what the benefits are.

HWGIR Overview

January 16, 2019

For the Elkhart Chamber Environmental Committee.

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