Large Quantity Generators are facilities that generate at least 2,200 lbs (1,000 kg) in any single month during the previous year (2023). Small Quantity Generators are those that generated at least 220 lbs (100 kg)  in any single month during the previous year. Check your state’s requirement or give us a call and we can help determine if you need to report by March 1, 2024. Make sure to keep in mind other special reporting activities such as waste received from Very Small Quantity Generators or transfers of Hazardous Secondary Material. Learn more about how BCA may be able to assist you by visiting our Environmental Compliance Services page.

Many industries generate hazardous waste. EPA regulates HW under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act to ensure these wastes are managed in ways that protect human health and the environment. Generators  are regulated based on the amount of hazardous waste they generate in a calendar month, not the size of their business or facility. To find more regulatory information visit the EPA’s website. Make sure to review the exclusions described by the EPA to ensure you are properly meeting the exclusions if you are applying one already, or maybe you have been disposing of excluded hazardous waste and incorrectly reporting it. Here is an example of the Waste Polymerization Exclusion.

We have completed work over 25 US states, plus Puerto Rico, Ontario, CAN and Nuevo Leon, MX